Internet About to Crash

The internet will break on June 30th and it’s nothing to do with Kim Kardashian. Websites around the world could crash in June due to a leap second.
It’s set to be the worst day of the year for the Internet loving world. June 30, 2015, could see the internet go into meltdown leaving millions across the planet unable to get online.
And it’s all to do with this summer’s leap second. According to boffins at the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service we are currently one second behind of where we should be.kimbreaktheinternet1
This means that all the clocks in the world must be put forward by exactly that amount
. Unfortunately, most computer systems don’t like their seconds being messed with.
This is because, unlike when the clocks go forward and back for summer and winter, computers are told that the last hour of the day should have 61 seconds and they simply can’t cope with this instruction.

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