Chad forces seize northeast Nigerian town

 Armoured vehicles of the Chadian army at a position in Fotokol, Cameroon. (Stephane Yas, AFP)
Maiduguri - Military reports and witnesses say hundreds of people have been killed as troops from Chad seized Dikwa from Boko Haram extremists while Nigerian soldiers fought off a separate attack in Konduga.
Chad spokesperson Colonel Azem Bermandoua said Boko Haram left hundreds of people dead in Dikwa on Monday before fleeing Chadian forces. He said one Chadian soldier
was killed and 34 were injured.

The United Nations said 16 000 Nigerians fled the fighting into Cameroon.
A national soldier said troops repelled an attack on Monday on Konduga.
Konduga has been attacked many times because of its proximity with Maiduguri, the birthplace of Boko Haram.
- AP

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