10:59 pm /
Unknown /
In my previous article, I emphasized mostly on the paths to which success can be attained in our daily struggle to make end meet. It is a well known fact that every thing which can be reached in life must surely have its own lead path to which it can be found. Therefore, there are certain principles in which one needs to follow or observe in order to find himself in the midst of the successful.
However, based on my personal experience; I would like to introduce you to the succinct success principles which had been my watch principles as follow:
1. KINDNESS: This principle, due to my inner most understanding and inculcation I had from my indomitable, care, self-controlled, focused and loving father had played the major role of my greatness in life.I could always remember, after each day we had our dinner; my father would always called all of us to the sitting room and started teaching us the ways of life. In fact, I have learnt a lot from my father; and I can testify to it today that I am blessed.
Kindness has a lot to play in achieving your goals in life. Learn how to be kind to people, both the known and unknown. If you really want to make it in life; you have got to help, save lives, impact lives, touch lives with the little in your disposal and possession irrespective of your financial status.
2. POLITENESS: The holy book says, "By their fruits we shall know them". It is a bitter truth that no one wants to help he who doesn't respect, regard and reference others. Learn how to be polite to people if you are really aiming at getting to the top of your world. I would like to put it direct to you that, it pays no less to think and feel the outcome of your words before you speak it out. The way you talk signifies he who you are. I got most of my blessings from being polite to people, and respecting their personalities for that was how I was taught.
3. PERSISTENCE: Now, comes the supper one to quickly keying you up to your dreams, goals in life. The major problem of many in life is lack of persistence. It is a well known fact that it's very easy to start something; but finishing has always been the hard-knock of thousands of many youths in the world, today. Starting your project may not seem difficult, but how prepared are you to keep it to date until it's successfully accomplished? I don't think starting a blog, school, music, business is anyone's problem; but the guts, organized efforts, plans that are required in the action of persistence matter the most in accomplishing your project. If you really want to be wealthy in life, you must learn how to be persistent in your desiring dreams and goals in order to skyrocket you above the ladder of greatness in life.
4. DECISION: First of all, before any one becomes any body in life; he or she must decide what he would like to be in life. From my previous research, it was gathered that 95% of our youths do not know what actually they would want to become in life; thereby leaving them roaming in the streets like sheep without shepherd. What do you want to be in future? Do you want to become a doctor, musician, lawyer, nurse, writer? You must choose what you would like to be; then work towards it to achieving your goals. It is a well known fact that there are uncountable indecisive men and women out there. You must learn how to be decisive if you really want to be great in your life.
5. OPTIMISM: Finally, this is your spiritual strength towards achieving your goals in life. Being optimistic increases your driving force to attaining your desired dreams. Always think positive about your future, life, pursuit, project, mention it. Never have negative thought towards your planning to materialize your dreams. The truth is that, if you always think of failure in your life, you will definitely encounter failure.In other words, if you think of succeeding in everything you do, definitely you must succeed in life. The law of mental equivalent states that whatever man experiences in his life is the mental equivalent of what creates in his mind.

Reviewed by Unknown
Rating : 4.5
Rating : 4.5
Nice one! You guys are the best. I love this site. Keep it up!!
The prof. That is why I always call you professor Wole Soyinka. You are too much. Well done, keep it up.
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